
Data Integrity

We have zero tolerance for fake data. Our team empowers you with accurate reporting and results to drive on-target business decisions. We set realistic expectations that account for incomplete or immature data feeds so that you know what you can expect from our BI and data analytics services. At the same time, we help you improve your data landscape so that you maximize data potential and impact and get the information you need as you mature.

Data Privacy & Security

Everyone wants their data to be secure. Integralytic shines in its data privacy standards, so that you can trust us to keep your data safe. Our primary concern is to protect your sensitive data. We comply strictly with relevant data privacy regulations and adhere to gold-label data security standards for data transmission and analysis.

If you need a customized data sharing protocol to align with your business’ data security standards, we’ll work with you to customize our policy and ensure that our services integrate with your data sharing workflow and address your individual data security concerns.




Integralytic consultants have the ability to see data in a clear way, and can take a number of datapoints and consolidate them into clear readable views, grids and charts. Their work is creative, and they create graphs that are pleasing to the eye. More importantly, they understand when to use specific graphs, and when one would be preferable over others. Patient, wonderful to work with. Clear in instruction.


SQL Developer


My BI and analytics capacity building training with Dina at Integralytic was a revelation for me in how I can better support the needs of my clients. Dina was able to demonstrate with real world examples how to utilize Data Visualization tools and Analytics to deliver extremely valuable information. With her knowledge of best practices and industry standards she was able to educate me how to provide clear and concise reports that provide insightful data for immediate use. I am thrilled that I took this training and I would recommend it to anyone looking to improve their Business Intelligence skills. 


Software Developer

Dina and her team were one of four groups that completed the same project: Their product was quite a bit more professional looking than the others’. Their communication throughout the project was excellent–always timely, very professional. They are thought partners and a pleasure to work with. We have engaged them on an additional project. Highly recommended. 


Air Travel Startup